
About: nbsp

David Sonnenthal is the Founder of the multi-award-winning pawn shop New Bond Street Pawnbrokers, located in Blenheim Street, Mayfair, Central London. David took an unusual route into pawnbroking, moving into the industry after a successful career in show business. Between the ages of 17 and 26, he worked as a professional actor, appearing in a variety of productions on both stage and screen. In 1996 he even won the prestigious Perrier Award for acting at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. His pawnbroking career in London started quite by chance after he discovered the future site of New Bond Street Pawnbrokers during an acting audition in 1999. Immediately seeing the shop’s potential, he turned it into a successful pawn shop London business and went on to become one of the UK’s top pawnbrokers. David is a highly respected figure in the pawnbroking industry, winning the National Pawnbroker Association’s award five times in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019 and 2008. Over the course of his 30-year career, he has gained a reputation as one of the pioneers of UK and London's pawnbroking. He is a regular fixture in the British media, often providing expert advice on market value, and trends in pawnbroking. Never one to lose touch with his roots, David has even managed to continue his entertainment career as the resident dealer on Channel 4’s popular Four Rooms TV series.

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