How to make a complaint
New Bond Street Pawnbrokers always tries to ensure that customers receive an excellent standard of service. However, we understand that sometimes something may go wrong and we have set out below how you should contact us if you are not satisfied. We will investigate all complaints diligently, fairly and free of charge, but if you remain dis-satisfied we will direct you to The Financial Ombudsman Service to appeal.
You can make your complaint:
- At our offices, in person or by mail: 5 Blenheim Street Mayfair London W1S 1LD
- By email:
- By telephone: +44 20 7493 0385
Your complaint
We need you to provide as much information and documentation as possible about the nature of your complaint.
How and when we respond to complaints
Regulations allow us 56 days to resolve your complaint, but we’re committed to resolving these as soon as possible. We will keep you informed, but depending how long it takes you will receive one of the following communications from us:
A Summary Resolution Communication -if we are able to resolve your complaint within three business days. This letter will explain how your complaint was resolved and will tell you about the Financial Ombudsman Service, FOS.
A Final Response Letter – if this is not possible we will acknowledge your complaint, keep you informed of our progress and write to you within 56 days. This letter will explain the details of our investigation and our decision. It will be fair, clear and not-misleading. We will enclose a leaflet from The Financial Ombudsman Service, to assist you. If you are unhappy and decide to pursue this further it will advise you how to contact The Financial Ombudsman, which is a free and independent service.
You may refer your complaint to the FOS at any time but they will need our agreement to investigate if we have not had the opportunity to put things right, if we haven’t exceeded the 56 days timescale and issued our Final Response letter.
If you decide to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service you must do so within six months of the issue date of our Final Response letter.
If we do not provide our final response letter within 56 days of receiving your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service without it.
Contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service
- Address : Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.
- Tel : UK 0300 1239123. Abroad: +44 20 7964 1000.
- Website :
- Email: